Blog Archive

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

Excessive Use of Screens and Digital Intoxication Dec 30th, 2022

The increased use of screens is among one of the biggest effects of recent technological advances because we spend less and less time away from devices that keep us always connected. Children and young people are the most welcoming, although adults and seniors are also increasingly involved in the digital...

Obesity and Weight Loss Dec 30th, 2022

Obesity is characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in adipose tissue and a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater. It is classified as a chronic-degenerative and inflammatory pathology, which can occur as a result of poor diet, metabolic, hormonal, genetic, and psychological factors, in addition to a sedentary...

Premenstrual Syndrome Oct 6th, 2022

Premenstrual syndrome, also known as PMS, is a disorder that 3 out of 4 menstruating women experience during their 20’s and 30’s. This consists of irritability, tension, and depression several days before the period begins. Other less specific symptoms include acne, headache, breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, lower abdominal pain, spotting,...

How to Lower Cholesterol for Vegetarians Jun 9th, 2022

Vegetarian Diet to Lower Cholesterol  Cholesterol is given a lot of negative connotations for one’s health, but cholesterol is not entirely a villain; instead, our bodies need cholesterol for various functions like hormone production, Vitamin D absorption, and cell membrane formation. What is bad about cholesterol is its type and...

Glaucoma Jun 8th, 2022

Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve, which is the main nerve in the eye. The optic nerve is responsible for transmitting light signals to the brain, allowing you to see. The most common cause of glaucoma is pressure within the eye. There are two types of glaucoma:...

Eye Allergies Jun 8th, 2022

Eye allergies Causes Eye allergies are caused by indoor and outdoor allergens that get into your eyes. Pollen, dust, pet dander, mold, and smoke are examples of these. Allergies to the eyes are not contagious. Therefore, you cannot pass them on to another person. Symptoms Redness, itchiness, burning, tearing, eyelid...

Dry Eye Jun 8th, 2022

Dry Eye Causes Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when your eyes either do not make enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly. Dry eye affects between 5 and 15% of the population in the United States. People with dry eyes are typically middle-aged or older. Dry...

Diabetic Eye Jun 8th, 2022

Diabetic eye Causes Diabetes can cause diabetic retinopathy, which is an eye disease. It can lead to severe vision loss or even blindness. It is most common in people with diabetes who do not have good blood sugar control. Blood vessels in the retina are damaged by high blood sugar...

Cataract Jun 8th, 2022

Cataract A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye. The lens is the part of the eye that focuses light. Cataracts can impair vision. Causes The most common cause is aging. Proteins in the lens begin to break down after age 40, causing the lens to become...

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Jun 8th, 2022

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common disease affecting the back of your eye called the retina. It usually only affects your central vision, leaving your peripheral vision unaffected. AMD is divided into two types: Dry AMD causes gradual vision loss. Wet AMD is less common but can result in...

Have your eyes checked at 40 Jun 8th, 2022

Have your eyes checked at 40 Even if you don't have any vision problems, the American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends an eye disease screening at 40. Early signs of disease, such as vision changes, may appear at this time. Some adults should not put off getting an eye exam. An...

USCIS Director's Chaldean Heritage — Chaldean News Dec 9th, 2021

November 30, 2021 When I think about what it means to be an American and the promise this country has offered to generations of immigrants, including my own parents, I don’t have to look any farther than my name. My last name, Jaddou, reflects my dad’s Chaldean heritage. My middle...

COVID-19: The New Do’s and Don’ts for Mask Use May 25th, 2021

COVID-19: The New Do’s and Don’ts  for Mask Use  By Neil Jaddou MD and Jose Ferraz Neto MD On 5/13/2021 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced a new guideline regarding the use of mask during the pandemic. It was based on several studies with fully vaccinated individuals which strongly...

The Good Doctor Apr 20th, 2020

The Good Doctor: Dr. Neil Jaddou: Community Leader, Educator, Frontline Worker Holly Abboo, Somerset Family Medicine Office Manager Serving Michigan’s Oakland, Macomb and Wayne counties for the past 20 years, Somerset Family Medicine (SFM) has pledged its full support to the frontline of the COVID-19 battle since the beginning of...

Corona Virus Attacks the World Feb 24th, 2020

Corona Virus Attacks the World By Neil Jaddou, MD, MScch Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause diseases in humans and animals. In human, the viruses cause respiratory infections that range from mild like the common cold to the most severe but rarer forms such as SARS, and the...

Health Screening Information Aug 19th, 2019

Colorectal Cancer Screening Age: 50-75   *If there is family history of colon cancer, start at age 40 Home stool test yearly: You will be given an ENVELOPE to collect stool sample at home and mail it to Beaumont lab. Abnormal test (blood in stool) will be referred for colonoscopy...

5 Tips for Prevention Jul 30th, 2019

Prevention Is Still The Best Medicine: Rx for a Long, Healthy Life Healthy Lifestyle: The combination of good genes, a healthy lifestyle and a bit of luck determine longevity. So although you cannot choose your parents, you can reach your maximum potential age by practicing healthy behaviors and attitudes. These...

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Jul 30th, 2019

Snoring frequently bothers the bed-partner or the whole family if it is too loud. The concern of snoring is not limited to people around snorers. Snoring might be a sign of suffering during sleep. Please imagine how you would feel if your breathing completely and repeatedly stops for 10 seconds...

Measles is spreading: What you need to know May 13th, 2019

  More and more families are opting to not get vaccinated due to misguided fears and beliefs that vaccines cause autism, which is untrue. This is allowing a highly contagious virus to infect unsuspecting individuals. Vaccination doesn't just help you avoid the measles; it helps stop the spread of disease...

What to do to decrease you Triglycerides and increase your HDL May 7th, 2019

What are Triglycerides and HDL? Triglycerides are the most abundant fat in your blood that increases when you eat more calories than your body can use. HDL cholesterol (high density lipoproteins) is what the experts refer to as the “good” cholesterol. It removes cholesterol from the blood & helps to...

Allergic Rhinitis May 6th, 2019

Do you have runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, or itchy eyes in the spring and summer seasons? If you do, you may be suffering from allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is a type of inflammation in the nose that occurs when your immune system is overreacting to allergens in the air....

The Importance of Vitamin D Jun 15th, 2018

By: Dr. Robert Verghese and Dr. Neil Jaddou        In Michigan being indoors for most of the year exposes us to Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is known as “that vitamin we get from the sun”. A deficiency of vitamin D can affect people of all ages. Recent...