Eye Allergies

Eye Allergies

Eye allergies


Eye allergies are caused by indoor and outdoor allergens that get into your eyes. Pollen, dust, pet dander, mold, and smoke are examples of these. Allergies to the eyes are not contagious. Therefore, you cannot pass them on to another person.


Redness, itchiness, burning, tearing, eyelid swelling, and sensitivity to light are all common symptoms of eye allergies.

You may also experience a stuffy, itchy nose, sneezing, a sinus headache, a sore throat, or coughing if you have nasal allergies.


Avoiding contact with substances that cause your eye allergies is the best option. Keeping your exposure to the source of your allergy to a minimum can help you feel better.

If allergic to pollen, try to stay indoors as much as possible. Use air conditioning and don't open windows. Avoid using a window fan because it can bring pollen into your home. When going outside, wear sunglasses.

If you have a dust allergy, use allergen-reducing covers for the bedding and wash them frequently. To avoid stirring dry allergens into the air, clean hard surfaces with a wet mop or cloth.

If allergic to pet dander, try to keep pets out of the house as much as possible, particularly out of your bedroom. Avoid carpeting because it traps pet dander. After interacting with pets, wash your hands and clothing.

If you can't eliminate the source, eye allergy treatments can help you lessen the symptoms. Consider the following:

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